uncertain journey

More interview clips from 2010 reporting for Unidentified Dead Common on the Border.

Interview Clips: Dr. Bruce Parks

Interview Clips: Dr. Bruce Parks

Dr. Bruce Parks was the Chief Medical Examiner at the Pima County Office of the Medical Examiner for over 20 years, from 1991 to 2011.

PCOME: Dr. Parks describes the work of the Pima County Office of the Medical Examiner.

a collective effort: Dr. Parks describes how the PCOME and foreign consulates work together.

starting from scratch: Dr. Parks describes the intake process for a John or Jane Doe.

waiting game: Dr. Parks describes running out of leads on an unidentified persons case.

a labor of love: Dr. Parks describes the impact of the work on the PCOME staff.

a little extra: Dr. Parks describes his personal approach to his work.

Interview Clips: Robin Reineke

Interview Clips: Robin Reineke

In spring 2010 Robin Reineke was a doctoral candidate at the University of Arizona. She also coordinated missing persons reports at the PCOME and searches for matches among the John and Jane Does.

Carmen: Carmen's story, as told by Robin Reineke.

Luis: Luis's story, as told by Robin Reineke.

Estefany: Estefany's story, as told by Robin Reineke.

questions: Reineke describes working with families making missing persons reports.

OGIS: Reineke describes the database project that she and her team hope will speed the identification process.

enough dignity: Reineke describes the personal effects of her work.